If you have any questions about our activities, please contact us. We strive to keep our communities vibrant and active. Click the link to the Activity calendar. Calendar PDF
As you can imagine, our guys are fond of getting out of the facility for some guys only time. This month we visited Quaker Steak and Lube and had a wonderful meal. We shared lots of laughs, watched some sports and loved the great food!
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Last month, Captain Larry "Jack" Sparrow sailed into our facility to visit with the residents! Rather than pillage our facility, he taught us lots of trivia about piracy: how it started, tidbits about famous pirates, and most importantly...how to be a pirate. It was such an entertaining and educational visit. We look forward with great pleasure to having the Captain return this way soon.
The first Sunday of every month, we have volunteers that bring in therapy dogs to visit our residents. Gandolff and Bucko are the two that come into our facility this weekend. They always bring smiles to our resident's faces.
Our residents enjoyed watching our very own Red Legs this weekend while enjoying delicious root beer floats. We cheered on our Cincinnati Reds and enjoyed each others company this past weekend.
Nothing says Hello to spring like celebrating the Cincinnati Red's opening day. We grilled out hamburger's and enjoyed live music. We will root root root for our home team all season long.
For our Mother's Day Celebration, we enjoyed live entertainment, apple pie and non-alcoholic Sangria. The residents sang along and enjoyed each others company. We wore fancy hats and danced with the music.
No holiday is too small to celebrate. For Cinco de Mayo, we enjoyed tortilla chips with an assortment of dips to choose from along with non-alcoholic margaritas of all flavors.
Our residents enjoy being able to go on weekly lunch outings. The residents pick where they'd like to go for the month. Lately, the hot spot of the month is a little mom and pop restaurant located about 5 minutes from the facility called Lake Nina. We are becoming regular's there and the staff are always prepared for us when we go.
Liberty Nursing Center of Colerain recently celebrated our GRAND OPENING with a formal ribbon cutting ceremony by the Colerain Township Chamber of Commerce. With a special Declaration by the Ohio House of Representatives presented by Rep. Louis Blessing, over 200 business and community members gathered to enjoy an evening of food, fun and fellowship.
Liberty Nursing Center of Colerain is pleased to announce our GRAND OPENING Celebration on Wednesday, July 29, 2015 from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm. This community event is being held in conjunction with the Colerain Township Chamber of Commerce and will include a Business After Hours for the local business community and a formal ribbon cutting ceremony at 5:30 pm. Stay tuned for photos and updates!