Liberty Nursing Centers - Ohio Senior Care > Our Ohio Communites > Mansfield > Activities and Events
If you have any questions about our activities, please contact us. We strive to keep our communities vibrant and active. Click the link to the Activity calendar. Calendar PDF

Walkers & Riders

in Liberty Nursing Center of Mansfield

Every week the walkers and riders take a stroll of 2 laps through the facility for exercise. This week's group included Peggy McLaughlin, left, Activities Aide Adrianna, and Martha Fishburn (right).

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Spiking the Ball

in Liberty Nursing Center of Mansfield

Today's volleyball action saw a full on attack line from Peggy McLaughlin (right) and Josephine Washington (right next), while Helen O'Connell (immediate left), Jeff Whitmeyer (left next) and Lillie Davis (center) prepare to block the attempt to score.

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Porch Sitting

in Liberty Nursing Center of Mansfield

One of the favorite activities of Liberty residents is sitting on the front porch enjoying the warm weather while watching the world go by. Almost every day the sun is out, we find Betty Jones rocking in one of the rocking chairs on our lovely porch. In this picture, we also see our brand new transport van to take residents to appointments and more.

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Welcome Tina Kiley and Missy Bundy to our Liberty Staff

Tina Kiley joins us as Social Services Director/Admissions Coordinator(left) and Missy Bundy, as Infection Prevention/Wound Care Nurse. We are happy to have you on the team!

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We All Scream for Ice Cream

in Liberty Nursing Center of Mansfield

Liberty resident Mike Taylor, along with many of the residents, enjoys his ice cream from the Friday Ice Cream Social. Each Friday residents are treated to a large variety of ice creams and toppings to make their own ice cream sundaes.

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Girl's Got Game

in Liberty Nursing Center of Mansfield

Miss Sandy shows her skill at flicking the bean bag for a long toss across the dining room. Several Liberty residents join in the fun each week, each with his or her own approach.

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Einstein Wins the Doggie Easter Egg Hunt

in Liberty Nursing Center of Mansfield

Liberty resident Jeff Whitmeyer attempts to wrestle a carrot shaped squeaky toy from Einstein, Liberty's beagle mix dog. Einstein claimed both squeaky toy prizes in the doggie Easter egg hunt.

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Einstein & Lulu Search for Easter Eggs

in Liberty Nursing Center of Mansfield

Liberty resident Betty Jones' granddaughter, Chengli Payton, encourages her dog Lulu and Liberty's Einstein to search for treat filled easter eggs during her family's visit to Ohio from New Jersey.

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Wanda is Retiring

in Liberty Nursing Center of Mansfield

Dear Wanda, We will miss you so very much after 31.5 years of dedicated professional caring service. In her FB post, Wanda focused on gratitude for her time with our Liberty family: “I have enjoyed all the comments and praises you gave me…Thanks to everyone--- to many to name I love you all. You will be in my heart forever.” Best Wishes on your Next Adventures!

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Cardio Fun

in Liberty Nursing Center of Mansfield Exercise

What better way to spend the afternoon than to participate in a little fun? Yes, cardio drumming is so much fun. We turn the music up loud, get out our drum sticks or anything to tap and we keep the rhythm. It is everyone's favorite way to exercise and it really gets that heart a beating. By the way, we sound pretty good too!!

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